There’s still plenty of time to apply for a Continuing Education (CE) grant to attend the ARSL 2020 virtual conference!

You can now see the detailed program schedule, as well as the session descriptions on the conference website. Keynote speakers include William Ottens, Cassandra Campbell, and Nancy Pearl. Sessions will also be recorded and available to registrants after the conference, so you won’t have to worry about missing anything!
Nebraska public librarians, library board members, and library students have a terrific opportunity with this virtual professional conference. Each grant recipient will be reimbursed for the costs of attendance, including conference registration and mileage (if traveling to a host library). Librarians, board members, and students may apply for an individual grant. Since ARSL is offering a group registration rate, library directors may apply for a group grant.
More details and the application forms are all available now on the Continuing Education and Training Grants 2020 page.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Holli Duggan, CE Coordinator.
Important Dates:
- Aug. 31: CE Grant Application Due Date
- Sept. 4: Recipients Announced
- Sept. 28 – Oct. 2: ARSL Conference
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